♡♥I am proud to be a moslem girl♥♡
Titin Rakhmawati

Designed by:Titin Rakhmawati
School in: MAN Sidoarjo
Development of Islamic in The Modern Doctrine

Before and during the early days of reform, namely before and after the year 1800 AD. Muslims in many countries have deviated from the teachings of Islam are sourced to the Qur'an and Hadith. Irregularities were found in a case:
· Islamic teachings about monotheism has been mixed with disobedience. It is characterized by the many people who Ialam worship besides Allah are also considered sacred tomb worship and ask for help in matters of magic to the shamans and those that are considered sacred. In addition, a group of Muslims who mengkulcuskan and assume that the sovereign is the saints who obey all the commands in.
· The existence of a group of Muslims during the life of this world is only concerned with the affairs of the Hereafter and leave the world. They assume that having a lot of wealth, a high position, and the science of knowledge of the world is never an necessary. Because they live in this world only briefly and temporarily, while the afterlife is eternal and everlasting. Selan, many Muslims who adopts fatalism, that understanding which requires submitting to fate and not have sought, because human life is dominated and controlled by fate.

Deviations slam people to the religion as such, led to the birth of the reformers who tried to awaken Muslims to return to the true teachings of Islam, which is sourced to the Qur'an and the Sunnah (Hadith). Reformer figures is as follows:

1. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was born in Nejd (Saudi Arabia) in the year 1115 H (1703 AD) and died in Daryah year 1201H (1787M). Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhap was a great scholar whose prolific, because his writing books about Islam, in the tens of title. Among his books titled "At-Tawheed Kitap" whose contents are about the eradication of polytheism, superstition, and heresy contained among Muslims and calls on Muslims to return to the pure teachings of monotheism. The followers of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhap group called the "Al-Almohads" or "Al-Muslim Brotherhood," which means a group that sought to legitimize purely Allah. Islamic purification movement carried out by the followers of ibn Abdul Wahhap Muahammad This movement also called "Wahhabi".
2. Rafa'ah Badawi Rafi 'at-Tahtawi, or At-Tahtaw. Born from the throne in 1801 AD and died in Egypt. Thoughts related to the teachings of Islam, among other things, he told the Muslims that live in this world is not only concerned with the affairs of the Hereafter. But it must also be concerned with the affairs of the world, that Muslims are not colonized by other nations.
3. Jamaluddin Al-Afghani, was born in Asadabad in 1838M and 1897M years died in Istanbul. among his innovations were born it is:
· That the glory of Muslims can be achieved again and able to face the modern world, Muslims must return to the religion of pure Islam and must memaham with reason and freedom.
· Jamaluddin also wants women to progress and work with the Muslim community to realize a dynamic and forward.
· Leadership autocracy should be converted into a democracy. In his opinion, Islam requires repoblik government in which there is freedom of expression and kewajban memukakan State to submit to the law.
· The teaching of Pan-Islamism that unity and cooperation of all Muslims to be realized. Since the unity and cooperation of the entire Muslim community is very important and above all else.

At the time of renewal of the population is Muslim kepelosok evolving world. Most of the Muslim population is Asiadan African continent. Refers to the 1991M in countries where Muslims rely more than 90% are Mauritania, western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

While a number of countries reaching 50-90% Islamic people are Tanzania (Africa), turkemenistan, Uzbekistan, krighistan, Tazikistan, bagladesh, Malaysia Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, in Philippines. Countries that 10-50% people of Islam, among others such as Guinea (Afrka), Albania, Syria, India, China, and Myanmar.
